Happy Thanksgiving!

Sketch of Pigrim Thanksgiving for Plimouth Plantation, n.d.
Sketch of Pilgrim Thanksgiving for Plimouth Plantation, n.d.

Last year, a great color postcard really captured the festivities of the holiday, and the year before, a little dance card prompted a step into the many varieties of the quadrille.  This year, Helen Foster provides a look back at Thanksgiving in Kingston history.  Above, a preliminary sketch she drew for a publication by the Plimouth Plantation shows the hardy First Comers at dinner outside (OUTSIDE?).  And below, something she designed that is both timely and useful in solving any gravy problems that might arise.

Ad for Quick-made Brown Gravy Powder, n.d.
Ad for Quick-made Brown Gravy Powder, n.d.

What other colors could they have possibly made?