The last Presidents Day (this December)

Signatures from out Presidential letters
Signatures from out Presidential letters

Tomorrow, December 30, is the last Presidents Day here at the Library.  We’ve had our letters from Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John Quincy Adams and  Thomas Jefferson (who apparently didn’t have a middle name) on display for a few selected day this month, but this is the last time for a while.

They’ll still be here afterwards, of course, but in the dark and cool of the Local History Room, for safekeeping. Stop by and see them tomorrow.





202 years ago next Monday…

On September 20, 1808, the President sent this to the inhabitants of Kingston in response to their earlier petition about the Embargo Act of 1807.  As form letters go, this is a good one.

Jefferson letter, page 1, 1808
Jefferson letter, page 1, 1808
Jefferson letter, page 2, 1808
Jefferson letter, page 2, 1808
Jefferson letter, page 3, 1808
Jefferson letter, page 3, 1808